COVID-19 Update
On 26 July 2021, certain amendments have been made to Decree No. 151 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan, dated 26 May 2021, "On measures to extend the special quarantine regime and to lift certain restrictions" (hereinafter “Decree”).
In accordance with Article 2.5-5.1 of the Decree, starting from 1 September 2021 employees of government agencies (institutions), as well as employees of the enterprises listed below (regardless of whether they are employed under an employment or civil law contract) shall be vaccinated with a first dose against COVID-19 and with a second dose from 1 October 2021 or have a certificate of immunity against COVID-19:
irrespective of the form of ownership, all medical and pharmaceutical companies;
regardless of the form ownership, all scientific and educational enterprises;
enterprises operating in the areas of labor and services listed in the Annexes to the Decree
As specified in Article 2.5-5.2, all individuals over the age of 18 attending secondary or higher educational institutions are required to have a COVID-19 certificate.
It should be noted that, the individuals over the age of 18 are allowed to access to services in the following indoor locations only in case if they can present a COVID-19 certificate:
catering enterprises;
major shopping malls.
Individuals, legal entities and officials shall be held liable for violation of the requirements of the Decree in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offences and the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.
The details of the Decree and its Annexes can be obtained by following the link below: