Aviation and Aerospace

We have substantial experience and knowledge in the commercial aviation sector. Our experts' previous experience includes representing international airlines and operating lessors, manufacturers, and export credit agencies before government agencies, and advising them on various legal and tax matters. We consistently support airlines in registering their aircraft, obtaining required licenses and permits, and maintaining their operations in Azerbaijan.
With its extensive knowledge of international aviation law, our team is capable of advising all types of businesses engaging in business in aerospace on the implications of international treaties.
We provide aviation companies with legal services regarding:
1. Commercial law, legal and tax due diligence of the target and vendors;
2. Regulatory Compliance matters;
3. IP matters;
4. Litigation and Dispute resolution;
5. Local and international regulatory regimes and treaties;
6. Project Finance;
7. Selling, purchasing, and leasing aircraft and equipment;
8. Tax, Labor, and Migration matters etc.